Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find some of the most commonly asked questions about our competitions and how it all works. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then contact us.

On the home page of our website you will see numerous live competitions. There will be a box which says “Enter now”. Click that and you will be taken to the selected competition entry form.

Stage 1 is to answer the competition question by clicking the box containing the answer you wish to submit.

Stage 2 is to select the number of entries you require. There will be maximum number you can choose. This will usually be 5 or 10 entries. Please remember that these are entries, not attempts to answer the competition question correctly. If your answer is wrong, you will not be able to try again unless you purchase more entries. You will see the question before you choose to enter but you cannot find out if you are right or wrong until after you have purchased your entries.

Stage 3 is to complete your details on the entry form and pay the entry fee. You will need to tick the box to confirm that you accept our terms and conditions. You can read them by clicking here.

When you have paid your entry fee, you will be told if you have answered the question correctly. If you have, your name will be entered in the draw with all of the other correct entries. If you have not answered correctly, you will not be entered into the draw.

You will also receive an email confirming whether your answer is right or wrong and confirming if you have been entered into the draw.

There is also a free entry route available. To enter this way you must create an account with us first on our website. Please view our Terms & Conditions regarding free entry route here. To enter for free, send your account number, name, address, telephone number, email address and answer to the competition question to us at the following address:

Win Bricks Competitions PO BOX 7840, Dudley, DY1 9NX

Free Entries must be submitted via 1st or 2nd class post. Bulk entries are not accepted and if received will count as one single entry. If you wish to enter for free multiple times you may do so up to any limit placed on the number of paid entries per person usually 5 or 10. If someone can pay to enter 10 times then you can enter for free 10 times also. Each free entry however must be submitted separately.

We will notify the winner via telephone or email within 3 days of the live draw selecting who has won. We would aim to do this the same day but no slower than 3 days. If you change any of your contact details prior to the closing date, you must inform us. We will try to contact you using the information you have supplied us with. If we cannot reach you within 14 days of the closing date we reserve the right to choose another winner and you will lose your right to claim the prize. Another winner would be selected during a later live draw for transparency.

The opening and closing date of the competitions are stated on the website. If we have to change either of these dates for any reason, we will update the website accordingly. We will only change the dates if we have to and for reasons outside of our control. Closing dates are never extended for the purpose of selling more entries.

The competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom only who are 18 years old or older.

We do not accept entries from anyone outside of these areas as the laws for running competitions vary. This competition has been organised to comply with the laws of England, and Wales.

Also, you cannot enter this competition if you are a relative of anyone involved with Win Bricks Ltd.

We are passionate about and dedicated to Lego, and only 100% Genuine Lego. The prizes are described fully on the website, and the photographs you see of the prizes on the website are in our possession and ready for dispatch once a winner is chosen. Unless stated otherwise, all the Lego we offer as prizes will be factory sealed. Where sets are still available we will source these from retail supplies or Lego store / online. If we offer you a retired set as a prize this will be sourced on the second-hand market but we will still only offer this if it is new and sealed. We will attempt to source sets in great condition.

Some competitions may also contain instant wins. These can be physical sets or a Lego Code sent by email which you can redeem in Lego Stores or online at

As the winner of the prize which is new and sealed we would expect you to make contact with Lego in the first instance and request the missing parts. This is a service that Lego Customer Services offer because mistakes do happen. This is a valuable service from Lego and they are very accommodating. Please do not try to abuse this service and order more parts than are actually missing. Lego will know due to their manufacturing processes if you are making false claims and they will reject the claim. You always have the right to contact us at if you feel Lego have not satisfied your application for replacement parts. We will do our best to make it right.

Our Instant wins will be in the form of a voucher you can spend with Lego online, or a Lego set itself of a value lower than the main prize. Where a competition contains instant wins this will be advertised on the website. Not all competitions will have instant wins attached to them. When the competition is set up instant wins may for example be attached to entry numbers 21, 53 and 125. When you make an entry you will be allocated an entry number at random by the website. If you buy 5 entries you will not be allocated entry numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 the website will allocate the entries randomly so you may get entry numbers 7, 21, 35, 87 & 100. If you were allocated these entry numbers then entry number 21 would win you an instant win and you still have 5 chances to win in the main prize draw. If the instant win is a Lego voucher this will be emailed to you. If the instant win is a physical prize, it will be posted to you.

To be a sustainable business we need to make a profit. Every time we add an instant win of £25 to a competition we have to sell 25 more £1 entries to cover that. If we add £250 worth of instant wins then by selling 250 more £1 entries to cover that cost it will dilute your chances of winning the main prize. We would like to keep all our competition entries below 500, and most competitions far below that, to give you a real chance of winning a prize.

As soon as the winners have been chosen, we will contact you to let you know you have won and we will then post your prize to you using no slower than a 48 hour courier. If you live locally, we would love to be able to hand deliver some prizes and meet you personally.

If you are the winner, the prize will be yours. You can do whatever you wish with it, including selling it. We would prefer however that you build it, enjoy it and maybe send us a photo for the website.

We need to use your data to administer the competition and award prizes. We do not use your data for any other purpose.

We do not share your data with any third parties unless this is necessary for administering the competition.

Full details of how we use your data are included in our Privacy Policy which you can read here.

If you are the winner, we may have to share your details with the Advertising Standards Authority if they request it to confirm that we have administered the competition and awarded the prizes fairly.

You have the right to opt out from us using your data at any time. However, if you do ask us to remove your details from our database prior to the closing date, you will be withdrawing from the competition. You will not be entitled to a refund of any entry fees you have paid.

No, this is not compulsory. However, with your permission, we would love to share your excitement on our website and social media pages. We will always discuss this when we contact you to tell you that you are winner.

Even if you do not want to participate in any promotional exercises, we may have to provide your details to the Advertising Standards Authority if they request it to prove we have administered the competition and awarded the prize fairly.

Whilst this may be disappointing, you have to remember that this is a competition and we are required to ask a question in order to comply with the rules and regulations of our partners. This will not be a very hard question or a difficult test of skill, which are required for websites that are operated as Paid only entry websites. As we offer a free route to enter, we are allowed to make the question slightly easier to answer.

If you get the question wrong, you will not be entered into the draw so you will not have the chance to win the prize. You will not be entitled to a refund of your entry fees. If you want to, you can try again.

Even if you do not want to participate in any promotional exercises, we may have to provide your details to the Advertising Standards Authority if they request it to prove we have administered the competition and awarded the prize fairly.

You can enter the competition as many times as you wish up to any limit we specify. Your entries may be restricted if we reach the maximum number of entries.

Whilst this isn’t gambling, we still urge you to keep this fun and not spend more than you can afford.

Everyone who gets the answer to the question correct will be entered into a draw. The winner will then be chosen at random from all the correct entries. Draws are carried out live on Facebook and the winner is chosen by a random number generator such as the one provided by Google. Try it yourself by searching on the internet for “Google Randon Number Generator”

The way we have had the website built makes this easy for you to know. On the competition page the number of entries will always start at 1. If we offer a maximum of 200 entries your odds of winning will show up as 1 in 200 whilst the number of entries stays at one. If you change this to 4 entries you wish to make, the odds will show you your chance of winning is now 1 in 50. You will always be able to see your odds of winning as you change the number of entries you wish to make. We will always want you to have a good chance of winning so we expect the maximum number of entries into a competition will be capped at 500, and most competitions will be far below that.  

If you haven’t received an email from us confirming your entry and whether you got the question right or wrong, please check your spam folder. If it is not in there, please email us at If you enter via the paid route and you get the question correct and enter the draw you should automatically receive an email. If you enter via the free route as long as all the conditions are met in the Terms and Conditions you will be entered into the draw but you will not receive an email confirming this.

We do not offer refunds of entry fees in any circumstances. If you get the answer to the question wrong, you will not be entered into the draw and no refund is due. If you are disqualified from the competition for any reason, no refund will be due. If you get the question correct and are entered into the draw you may request us to remove you from the live draw but again no refund will be due.

If you have any questions that have not been answered here, please email us at and we will happily answer them for you. Our aim is to get back to you within 72 hours or quicker.